Lindgren & Smith
This website is a brilliant showcase of simplicity in design, has an intuitive user interface, and we often use it as an example of straightforward content management. It's easy on the eyes, and easy on the management.
Pat Lindgren & Piper Smith have been longtime clients of Mindshare Labs. We initially established them online back in 2014. As a result, their previous website was starting to show its age. So, we opted to re-develop the website with modern programming and design practices in mind.
Their new website features the incredible artwork of the artists they represent. To make this happen we designed a very simple and intuitive grid-based home page. The simple colors (2021 Pantone colors of the year) hold silent space for their artist’s artwork to shine.
Each of the artist’s pages can be viewed as a grid or slideshow. All images are high resolution, and because of this, our development team used some pretty fancy image loading techniques to ensure that these pages load quickly, but also remain high quality.
In the end, this website is a brilliant showcase of simplicity in design, an intuitive user interface, and we often use it as an example of straightforward content management. It’s easy on the eyes, and easy on the management.