This plugin automatically syncs stock from the order fulfilment service fulfillright. You must have an account at


  1. Upload `plugin-name.php` to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Add your Fulfillright API Key on the settings page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you affiliated with Filfillright?

Mindshare Labs, Inc is in no way affiliated with [Fulfillright]( We just thought this plugin would be useful.

Do I need anything for this to work?

You need WooCommerce and an account at We are in no way affiliated with the Fulfillright team, so we cannot help you there.

How do I match products in WooCommerce to items in Fulfillright?

Good question. As long as the product SKU is exactly the same in both places stock numbers will sync.

What if there is a sock discrepancy between WooCommerce and Fulfilright?

Unless you are using multiple fulfilment methods, after the fist stock sync your numbers should always match. If they don’t an email will be sent to the site administrator. This can be configured on the settings page.